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How to prevent injury and recover after a KX class

Injury prevention and recovery is a part of every exercise and is crucial to not only avoiding any injuries but also making sure you’re getting the most out of your classes and feeling energised and ready for the next one. We asked Head Trainer and Physio, Maddy Wladyka from our Canning Bridge studio in Perth to share her advice on how to prevent injury and her top tips for recovery after a KX class.

ON preventing injury

During a KX workout there’s a balance of long, slow and controlled movements, coupled with shorter bursts of high-intensity exercises to get your heart rate up. This allows your body to recruit a whole range of muscle fibres and groups, some of which may respond better to certain types of exercises than others. As with any workout, you may experience generalised muscle pain but it’s important to understand how to push yourself within your limits and prevent injury.

Muscle fibres are different in everyone, which is why you may find the longer sequences tougher, or the short bursts a little harder. This is completely normal, and it can help you identify specific goals for your KX workouts. Chat to your trainer if you’re needing a push towards those goals too – your trainers are there to support you and help you achieve your goals!


the recovery process

Once your KX class is over it’s important to remember to treat your body well and give it the best chance at recovering so you can continue to reach your goals and set new ones! Recovery is a psychological and physiological process, and without it, it can be difficult to see the changes you’re looking for. We’ve listed some key strategies to put your body first and aid your recovery:


  • The importance of sleep
    You’ve heard it before and there’s a reason for it; sleep is by far the most important recovery process there is. It not only allows the body to recover but it also increases your cognitive performance and alertness and also aids in immune system function. Practising good sleep hygiene such as having a regular routine, avoiding screentime and limiting your caffeine intake before bed can all help you get a quality rest so you feel rejuvenated in the morning.


  • Refuelling your body
    Another important aspect to recovery is nutrition. The goal after exercise is to refuel your body’s glycogen stores, repair the muscle damage and rehydrate to replace the fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat. A lot of water is lost in sweat so aim to drink 2L a day to adequately replace the fluids lost to your reformer. Don’t forget protein! Protein gives your muscles the amino acids necessary to repair and rebuild which will enhance your next workout and help you achieve your goals.


  • Walk it off
    Active recovery or low-intensity exercise (think a gentle walk after class) is another strategy that aids recovery as you gently work muscle groups post-exercise. Benefits of active recovery include reducing lactic acid buildup, keeping muscle flexibility and increasing blood flow. Plus, it also helps you maintain your exercise routine.


  • Stretch it out
    Finally, stretching can aid in restoring the muscles back to their original length. All KX classes will end with some gentle stretches to loosen any stiff muscles but there are also some great psychological benefits of stretching and mindfulness that you can practice at home to help calm the mind after a busy day.


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